Tell Me How You Really Feel

There’s something hypnotically appealing about the way Courtney Barnett cradles her guitar and spills out uneasy truths with wit and simplicity. On her second solo LP, the Melbourne singer/songwriter dives deeper into her diary (“City Looks Pretty,” “Need a Little Time”), while celebrating life’s little victories, like finding time to hang with friends (“Sunday Roast”). The brilliantly named “Crippling Self Doubt and a General Lack of Self Confidence” is a pop gem boosted with vocals from The Breeders' Kim Deal. When Barnett goes in, she draws blood with every barbed line. “Nameless, Faceless” takes down an online troll with devastating accuracy. “I’m Not Your Mother, I’m Not Your Bitch” has a Hole-like feel. Tell Me How You Really Feel is aptly titled, housing her feelings and observations for all to absorb and savor.