Nocturne of Exploded Crystal Chandelier

Nocturne of Exploded Crystal Chandelier

Nocturne of Exploded Crystal Chandelier may be a contender for the most sparkly indie pop of the year. Merely a duo, these two Philly-based artists make music that sounds like pinwheels of light bouncing in a kaleidoscope, or like the sound air might make as it navigates through the astral plane. Jon Bartmus and Patrick Marceill are also known for their remix work with artists like Caribou and Delorean, but this, their first full-length release of original material, may put their remix career on the back burner. If at first the songs elude your grasp (they’re not big on verse/chorus/verse), listen again to the stealthy wind-up of  “Oh, Naoko,” or try to resist the warm, inviting cocoon that is “Infinity,” or the nimble, circling spell cast by “Waiting On You.” Barthmus’ voice is easy and friendly — a bit like Vampire Weekend’s Ezra Koenig — leading the music away from sweet and twee to elegant, glinting pop, ready for prime time.

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