

The sixth studio album by the Hungarian progressive rock band Piramis came out in 1981, just as Eastern Europe was feeling the fever for the New Wave of British Heavy Metal. Erotika opens with frontman Révész Sándor adopting a high-pitched falsetto over the band’s angular arrangements for the opening song, “Játék Az Ördöggel.” And it totally works—especially when Sándor sings self-harmonies in a range high enough to shatter glass. Rather than adopt his pop-metal style, the band sticks to its proggy guns, allowing for amazing keyboard work by Gallai Péter here and in the following ballad, “Együtt Is Egyedül,” where he changes out his quiver of analog synths for the raw tones of a baby grand piano. Guitarist Závodi János shines in "Nincs Több Álom," effortlessly segueing between meaty hard rock riffs and heady leads that take labyrinthine twists and turns through sinewy song arrangements, which pause for bursts of freeform jamming. The standout song “Lányok, Akik Voltak” explodes with János unraveling a flurry of doubled harmonic guitar leads, which closely tail Sándor's vocal wailing.

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