

While North American bands like Black Mountain, Black Angels, and Warlocks own a large chunk of the vintage psych-garage sound rocking college radio these days, a band from across the pond has stealthily been buying up the ‘hood. Archie Bronson Outfit’s second full-length, Derdang Derdang, was a powerhouse collection of raw, tribal, blues-tinged rock, and album number three, Coconut, somehow transcends that release; it’s both brutal and beautiful, with deeper psych-rock grooves. “Wild Strawberries” is gloriously unsettling, with messy, bad trip guitars propelling Sam Windett’s unhinged vocals, but “Hunt You Down” offers a gentle come-down on pillows of airy, ‘60s jangle riffs (never mind the stalker narrative). Where “You Have A Right to a Mountain Life/One Up On Yourself” is incendiary, in a “Fire”-era, Crazy World of Arthur Brown kind of way, “Shark’s Tooth” has a Punjabi party heart, albeit one drenched in reverb and patchouli (see video below for A.B.O.-sanctioned dance moves). Opener “Magnetic Warrior” paves the way, with undulant, grinding, day-glo guitars, and closing track “Run Gospel Singer” is a brilliant slab of pulsing, fuzz covered pop. Deliriously good fun.

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