For a band whose catalog is riddled with wry wit and juvenilia, AC/DC was notoriously no-nonsense when it came to studio time. That's what makes this triple-album-length set of rarities and live cuts so rewarding. First off you get a handful of tracks that were only on the Australian versions of the early albums or on B-sides of early singles. That means you get the Scottish ballad "Fling Thing" (an instrumental ripper that gets played only when the band performs in Glasgow). Also, if you don't believe AC/DC could ever be sentimental then you haven't heard "Love Song." The live material is culled from over three decades of performing, catching them cranking out an incendiary "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" at home in Austrlaia in 1977 all the way through to a faith-restoring version of "Safe in New York City" taken from a show in Phoenix, Arizona in 2000.