Despite his incredible success, Billy Joel didn't want to celebrate his moment by recording a predictable live album that trotted out all his hits. Instead, he chose his favorite overlooked songs from his first four solo albums. (His one early hit, "Piano Man," was left off this album for being too well-known.) Joel had a live band he believed in, and sure enough he made one of the best albums of his career. "She's Got a Way" (originally from his debut, Cold Spring Harbor) and "Say Goodbye to Hollywood" (from Turnstiles) became hit singles in their live versions, and songs like "Everybody Loves You Now," "Summer, Highland Falls," "Los Angelenos," and "Captain Jack" receive definitive performances and spring to life in ways the studio albums only suggested. By the time he reaches "You're My Home"—a love letter to his girlfriend at the time—he sounds as if he's singing it for fans who welcomed him in ways he never felt in real life. A career highpoint.