One of the most comprehensive Ants collections, Stand & Deliver covers all the phases of Adam Ant's journey, from the original punky lineup of Adam & The Ants to the world-beating, double-drummer pop of Kings of the Wild Frontier to Mr. Ant's solo work. Refreshingly, this anthology doesn't take a chronological approach to chronicling the Ant universe; it's a great deal of fun to hop back and forth in time and tone from the perky postpunk of the early Ants single "Car Trouble" to the moody-but-driving, horn-punctuated pop punch of Adam's solo hit "Desperate but Not Serious," or to leap from the band's surging anthem of individuality "Prince Charming" to the T. Rex–goes–New Romantic solo smash "Goody Two Shoes." But whether Stand & Deliver is looking in on the giddy rush of tribal percussion and glam-derived riffs that defined the early-'80s glory days of Adam & The Ants or the more varied approach of Adam's subsequent solo outings, the overriding impression is one of a mercurial, multifaceted pop pioneer so sui generis that he defies imitation.