¡Dos! is the second part of a trilogy, with each album released two months apart. It continues in the vein of ¡Uno! and recalls the snotty brilliance of Green Day's early era. The band members sit around a campfire for country harmonies on the acoustic "See You Tonight" before turning up the electrics for the full-throttle "F*** Time," where everything that made Green Day the gold standard for '90s-style punk rock comes into focus. Billie Joe Armstrong has an impeccable pop ear, and the melodies behind "Stop When the Red Lights Flash," "Lazy Bones," and "Baby Eyes" demand to be heard repeatedly. The "Lust for Life"–style groove of "Stray Heart" and the power-chord shuffle of "Makeout Party" spotlight the solid rhythm section, which often gets lost when Armstrong snarls for all he's worth. "Nightlife" adds a modern touch, with a nod to hip-hop. Even the simplest rock 'n' roll moves of "Lady Cobra" come alive and sound as fresh as the day they were written. Rock 'n' roll may be going through fallow times in 2012, ceding commercial space to pop music, but Green Day keeps the spirit alive.